Zusammenfassung: <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>To test tissue specificity of zebrafish gene promoters in a heterologous fish species, two transgenic medaka lines under two zebrafish promoters were generated. Under the zebrafish skeletal muscle‐specific <jats:italic>mylz2</jats:italic> promoter, transgenic medaka expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP) exclusively in skeletal muscles, mimicking the endogenous medaka <jats:italic>mylz2</jats:italic> mRNA expression and also identical to GFP expression in <jats:italic>mylz2</jats:italic>:<jats:italic>gfp</jats:italic> transgenic zebrafish. A madaka <jats:italic>mylz2</jats:italic> promoter was also capable of directing skeletal muscle‐specific GFP expression in transient transgenic zebrafish embryos. In the <jats:italic>krt8</jats:italic>:<jats:italic>rfp</jats:italic> transgenic medaka line with the zebrafish epithelial <jats:italic>krt8</jats:italic> promoter, red fluorescent protein was specifically expressed in the skin epithelia as well as the epithelial lining cells of the anterior digestive tract, which was also identical to GFP expression in <jats:italic>krt8</jats:italic>:<jats:italic>gfp</jats:italic> transgenic zebrafish. Therefore, the two zebrafish promoters faithfully function in a heterologous fish species, and it is likely that the mechanisms of tissue‐specific expression are largely conserved among fish species. Developmental Dynamics 234:387–392, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.</jats:p>
Umfang: 387-392
ISSN: 1058-8388
DOI: 10.1002/dvdy.20491