Zusammenfassung: <jats:title>Summary</jats:title><jats:p> <jats:list> <jats:list-item><jats:p>Food webs are the backbone upon which biomass flows through ecosystems. Dynamical models of biomass can reveal how the structure of food webs is involved in many key ecosystem properties, such as persistence, stability, etc.</jats:p></jats:list-item> <jats:list-item><jats:p>In this contribution, we present <jats:styled-content>BioEnergeticFoodWebs</jats:styled-content>, an implementation of Yodzis &amp; Innes (The American Naturalist 139, 1151?1175, 1992) bio‐energetic model, in the high‐performance computing language <jats:styled-content>Julia</jats:styled-content>.</jats:p></jats:list-item> <jats:list-item><jats:p>We illustrate how this package can be used to conduct numerical experiments in a reproducible and standard way.</jats:p></jats:list-item> <jats:list-item><jats:p>A reference implementation of this widely used model will ease reproducibility and comparison of results across studies.</jats:p></jats:list-item> </jats:list> </jats:p>
Umfang: 881-886
ISSN: 2041-210X
DOI: 10.1111/2041-210x.12713